Warning: current extensive phishing wave related to Exchange migration [CISO, 25.11.2021, update 07.12.2021] Particularly dangerous due to the coincidental reference to the migration that is actually taking place!
Unfortunately, since 24.11.2021 in the evening, we have observed a sharp increase in phishing mails, which unfortunately fit very well with the migration from the existing mail system to Exchange that is currently underway.
Here is an example:
This is another example:
This mail is (of course) fake. However, due to the reference to the migration that is actually taking place, this mail is unfortunately particularly dangerous.
Please do not click on the link, as it will lead you to a phishing site.
Access from the TU network is now blocked, but not always from the home office!
(for those interested in technology: the link is only blocked there if you are working with VPN with the setting “Tunnel-All-Traffic”).
It is also possible that the attackers vary the link.
As long as you do not click on the link, there is no danger.
Please delete the mail then.
If you have clicked on the link and may have entered or downloaded something there, please contact the person responsible for your IT, disconnect your computer from the network, run a full virus scan and change all passwords you have used on this computer.