3-Cycle: Second trip to Pilani by project group from Braunschweig

A second group travelled to Pilani from the 29th of September until the 14th
of October 2015. The team consist of the students Lina Kindermann, Nora
Jaeschke and Roman Stieben and the research assistant Benjamin Neef from the
Institute of Machine Tools and Production Technology. Our work was focussed on
the  setup and commissioning of an extruder to produce pet filament for 3d
printing purposes. The extruder is charged with recycled pet bottles from the
BITS campus area. The process works well according to the process manual.

Extruded PET filament with a thickness of 1,75 mm

Whole project group with India Partners and the PET extruder in the front

This project is supported by
AKB Stiftung

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