Preparing your trip to BITS Pilani

We have compiled a comprehensive „Leitfaden“ for all the German students planning to go to BITS Pilani. You can download the PDF (in German) here. Please let us know, if you would suggest any additional information or if something has become outdated.
Start preparing early! Travelling to India is slightly more complicated compared than a trip to Sweden or France. Perhaps you will need some vaccinations, you definitely will need a visa and there are various other things you might need to consider (from the local climate to security issues or special equipment). We recommend to start at least somewhere between six to eight weeks prior to your planned arrival at BITS.
Get in contact! In general, the people on campus are very friendly and very helpful to the German visitors to an extent which is not known to us from Germany. So if you need any help, do not hesitate to ask one of the locals. We also recommend getting in touch with some exchange students from TU Braunschweig in advance, especially the ones currently at BITS campus. They can provide you with detailed information and will help you planning your trip.
Have fun! Living at BITS Pilani campus and travelling in India will be a most rewarding experience. Preparing everything may seem complicated and exhaustive from time to time, so do net get overwhelmed by all the details and enjoy the idea of your future adventure. 😉
Further reading (both books are available at „Stadtbibliothek Braunschweig“):
Karin Kaiser, 2015: Fettnäpfchenführer Indien. Be happy oder das no-problem-Problem. Conbook Medien.
Rainer Krack, 2013: KulturSchock Indien. Reise Know-How Verlag.

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